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Google Maps
Google Maps

How To get the latest google satellite map version for SAS Planet

Many times, google update their database of maps and satellite imagery, so some software that use this data like SAS Planet have an error and need to…

Embed your map from Google My Maps

First, make sure your map is Public on the web.  Share button  >  Who has access  >  Change  >  Public on the web  > Save . Go back to yo…

Search and filter your data on Google My Maps

In the  Sightings  layer, go the layer menu pulldown, indicated by three dots, and select  Open data table : Use the search box to search and filter …

Share and embed your map from Google My Maps

You have many options when you want to share your map with others. All maps are private by default — only you as the creator of the map can view or e…

Label your data on Google My Maps

You can make labels or “titles” appear next to the features on your map using the Label feature. The label of your feature will be taken from a colum…

Edit your map data on Google My Maps

You can easily make changes to your map data at any point in the map-making process. You may want to do this if you notice a typo or want to add extr…

Change the style of your base map on Google My Maps

Change the style of your base map In the map menu, go to the  Base map  layer. Select the carat icon to open a menu of base map styles. Select a thum…

Style your map on Google My Maps

please look up the previous article Customize the points on your map Start by customizing the Sightings layer, changing the default red pin to a gree…

Import your data to Google My Maps

Download the two files below, which you will use as sample datasets during this tutorial, and save the files to your desktop: sharksightings.csv : Th…